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Self-belief is what makes us lucky.

Enrichment is the manipulation of self-belief at an atomic level

We present to Ku Kuro Kuju

our self-belief for his inspection and infusion

of wisdom and long life

thus making ready our yellow cake.

He shall then command his stork to transport this to Ebisu

on his lake in Japan.

Casting aside his rod and line

Ebisu takes the cake

to be worked in his 238 grindstones of the elements

and infusing the now fine powder

with its abundance

to be collected by the soldiers of Bishamonten

and transported to the sultry planes of India.

He will then place it into his pagoda of flouridisation and happiness,

thereby producing SBH2.

This he passes to his neighbour Benzaiten

who dwells in the high Himalayas.

He will place the SBH2 lovingly into the circle of the sphinx

to be gassified by the breath of the dragon

and collected in the Tetragrammaton.

Held amidst the coils of the serpent

the triangle is transported back to China

to the realm of Hot-ei-osho.

He then deposits the gassified SBH2 into the centrifuge of the kingdom

forcing the product through the membrane of willow, lily and ivy

resulting in certainty enriched SBH2.

Which is then transported on the breeze

with the odour of dittany of Crete

to Dai Ko Ku in Japan.

Dai KO Ku pressurises the enriched SBH2,

with his hammer of wealth,

to allow evaporation and crystallisation

within the confines of this magnet.